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  • How QR Codes Can Help You Reach Customers

How QR Codes Can Help You Reach Customers

May 19, 2023


How amazing would it be if your customers can be just a scan away? Well, they can be! In the last few years especially, Quick Response codes — better known as QR codes — have gained immense popularity because of their ability to directly increase the connection for customers to a business’s website or product to just one easy step.

How is this possible? These now instantly recognizable black-and-white square barcodes offer an affordable, effective, instant and seamless bridge between the physical and digital worlds. Giving businesses a way to effortlessly allow customers to connect, inform, engage, and shop is as easy as having those customers point their smartphone cameras to the code.

What’s more, that code can be placed virtually anywhere — on a postcard, product packaging, restaurant table, retail store signage. Imagine the money your company saves on other outside marketing to achieve the same goal.

So if you’re not taking advantage of QR codes, here are some best practices of QR codes to start reaching customers more effectively and efficiently!

Why Use QR Codes In Your Marketing? 

There are so many ways a QR code can streamline the path to whatever action you want your customer to take or to whatever information you want to capture. In a nutshell, QR codes are a simple way to cut out steps in the customer journey and bring potential customers to the exact online place you want them.

By scanning a QR code, customers can be redirected to a specific landing page, product page, promotional offer, menu — virtually anywhere — eliminating the need for them to manually search or navigate through a website. This streamlined process greatly enhances the customer experience and increases the likelihood of conversions.

Furthermore, QR codes can be easily tracked, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of a print, e-commerce or social media campaign (or even simply a particular ad) while collecting valuable first-party data and protecting data privacy. So you’d have a more streamlined process to glean incredible insight into if and how you are reaching customers and leading them to your product.

Give Customers a Reason to Scan  

Now that you know that by scanning a QR code, customers enjoy a direct line to your product or service, the question becomes: How are you going to get them to take that step to scan? Personalizing QR codes can give you a significant advantage in making it happen.

As with any marketing materials you create to encourage engagement or conversion by the customer, when incorporating QR codes into your marketing materials it’s essential to add a compelling, relevant call to action that creates a sense of urgency. So be sure to include a straightforward message that will both prompt customers to interact immediately and inform them of why it will benefit them to do so. For instance, you can offer exclusive discounts, freebies or access to additional content upon scanning the code. By providing an enticing incentive, customers will be more motivated to engage with your QR code and explore what your business has to offer.

Customize QR Codes for Each Marketing Campaign

Did you know that your QR code doesn’t always have to be a boring black and white? Instead, personalize your codes for each use! It can be as easy as incorporating your brand colors or high-contrast color combinations to make them more visible and easier to scan. Just be careful not to overdo it ; overly complex designs can hinder scanning, especially for older smartphones and other devices. Striking the right balance between customization to represent your brand and effective usability is the key!

Place QR Codes Strategically 

In all marketing materials, strategy always plays a role in where messaging is placed to best grab customers’ attention. The QR code placement in your marketing is no different! In fact, you should treat your QR codes like one of your website's CTA buttons — because if you think about it, that’s the role QR codes essentially play.

Here are some suggestions for optimal QR code placement:

  • Add it in the first half of your marketing collateral or packaging where they are more likely to be seen.

  • In digital marketing, place the QR code “above-the-fold” or similar to your normal desired placement for your CTA buttons.

  • Be as direct as possible with your call to action ; i.e., “Scan this QR code to receive an instant 50% off your purchase!”

 Remember, the goal is to make it as effortless as possible for customers to scan the code and access the desired information.

Make QR Codes Stand Out …

While strategic placement to create more visibility is important, it’s even more crucial to abide by some design best practices to ensure your QR code’s legibility and scannability. You can imagine the letdown to the customer and your business if there was something around the QR code itself that prevented it from working correctly.

Fortunately, it’s easy to do if you stay mindful of the following tips when designing your materials:

  • Maintain adequate white space around the QR code to help customers distinguish it from its surroundings 

  • Keep the background simple and clean 

  • Avoid dark backgrounds, which may affect QR code’s readability (i.e., make it difficult for scanners to decode the information) 

  • Keep QR codes away from busy or cluttered digital properties that may distract from the code’s visibility or scannability

… But Avoid “Code Bombing” 

Flooding customers with multiple QR codes on the same product or advertisement is comparable to pestering someone for attention — it’s confusing, overwhelming and off-putting. In short, it’s a poor strategy. Instead, make the choices you want to give your customers available to them after they’ve scanned the code.

For instance, if you want to give your customer a quick way to access your store’s app, don’t create separate QR codes for the Apple App Store, the Windows App Store and the Google Play Store. Instead, provide one code with a universal link that will direct users to the appropriate app store for their device.

Creating the simplest and most seamless customer experience possible helps increase the likelihood of engagement and conversions for your brand.

Acima: Give Customers Direct Access to Shopping Power

QR codes provide a direct connection to your target audience, giving them the power to instantly access relevant information, promotional offers and exclusive content with just a simple scan. When searching for other new ways to reach core customers, consider also providing them with shopping power by offering Acima Leasing. Our lease-to-own solutions* unlock that power for those consumers who don't want to use credit*, putting them in reach of your products in ways your competitors can’t.

Let us help you get Acima Leasing up and running for your business so you can help your customers get approved to shop with this effective alternative to financing — with a QR code, of course!