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6 Signs Your Customers Would Benefit from Lease-to-Own

Jun 06, 2024


Today, offering multiple payment methods is no longer a luxury ; it’s a necessity — for retailers and customers alike. Often, financing can be out of reach for some customers, leaving retailers to explore alternative solutions that can serve these customers, improve the shopping experience and ultimately boost sales. This is where lease-to-own comes in. But is it right for you and your customers? 

Perhaps you’re asking yourself, “How can I offer alternatives to financing to my customers?” Maybe you’re unfamiliar with how lease-to-own works. Maybe you’ve read up on it, but you can’t decide whether to implement it in your stores. Keep reading — we’ll break down the six signs that will help you determine if your customers would benefit from lease-to-own. Moreover, we’ll explain how Acima Leasing can help you easily and seamlessly integrate it into your business model.

1. Your Customers Want Alternatives to Financing

Customers with limited shopping options due to life circumstances often avoid high-quality items. However, this does not mean they lack the desire for items that elevate their lifestyles. Nearly half of U.S. consumers are considered non-prime consumers (1) that are seeking alternatives to financing. This way they can enjoy those higher quality and big-ticket items on a lease renewal payment schedule that fits their needs and preferences. Providing a lease-to-own solution allows your business to be inclusive of the life changes your customers experience.

2. You Have Big-Ticket Items They Want 

Big-ticket items (such as electronics, tires, furniture and appliances) often require additional planning for customers . Again, lease-to-own makes these items more accessible by allowing customers to benefit from a lease renewal payment schedule that is convenient for them. 

Imagine a customer eyeing a high-quality television but hesitating because they don’t know how they can afford it right now. With a lease-to-own solution available, this customer can take the TV home today and work toward ownership on a lease payment schedule that works for them. This accessibility can increase the conversion rate of those big-ticket items in your store or online, enhancing your revenue stream and satisfying customer demand.

3. They Have Less-Than-Perfect Credit History 

Financing often has requirements that exclude a significant portion of your customer base. Lease-to-own offers an alternative path, allowing customers to acquire the items they need regardless of their less-than-perfect credit history. 

For instance, a college student furnishing their first apartment might not be able to apply for in-store financing. By offering a lease-to-own solution, you provide an inclusive option that allows them to shop for what they need without using credit*. This inclusive approach can broaden your customer base and foster loyalty among those who might otherwise feel they don’t have the same opportunities as everyone else.

4. They Seek Convenience

Acima Leasing’s lease-to-own solution boasts a quick and easy application process that can be started at a retailer location or online. Customers know exactly what they’re getting into from the start, promoting trust and a positive customer experience. With Acima Leasing, the straightforward application and accessible customer service team, makes the customer more likely to proceed with their transaction. This ease and clarity can enhance the overall shopping experience, encouraging repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.

5. They Depend on Multiple Payment Options 

These days, being able to choose from a variety of alternative payment options to cash and credit could be the deciding factor for customers when it comes to choosing which stores to frequent. Fortunately, Acima Leasing offers options within options!

By providing a lease-to-own solution, you offer customers a range of flexible lease renewal payment options that cater to different needs and shopping preferences. This allows customers to be on a schedule that best fits their situation, further promoting customer satisfaction.

By offering this flexibility, you demonstrate your commitment to meeting the customer's needs, fostering a sense of understanding that can enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction.

6. Your Business Needs Streamlined Integration

Maybe you’ve decided to try lease-to-own, but are concerned it will be difficult to implement in your stores — much less get the word out to customers that you’re making this option available. We’re here to help. Acima Leasing’s solution seamlessly integrates with your existing point-of-sale system, both in-store and online. This makes offering lease-to-own a smooth and efficient process, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your customers. 

Imagine the convenience of a solution that integrates effortlessly with your current operations, eliminating the need for extensive training or system overhauls. This means you can offer a lease-to-own solution without disrupting your transaction flow, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for your customers. We’ll even provide you with marketing materials to educate your customers on the benefits of lease-to-own. Additionally, the efficient integration allows your staff to focus on delivering excellent customer service rather than integrating a solution.

By offering Acima Leasing’s lease-to-own solution, you can: 

Increase Sales 

Reach a broader customer base by being inclusive of the lease-to-own customer and potentially completing more big-ticket transactions. 

Improve Customer Retention 

Provide your customers with the flexibility and options they need to complete their transactions and keep them coming back. 

Boost Customer Experience 

Offer a simple lease-to-own solution that contributes to a frictionless customer experience experience. 

Simplify Operations 

With easy turnkey implementation processes in place for retailers get a quick and easy start with Acima Leasing. Contact us today and discover how lease-to-own can be a valuable tool to enhance your customer’s shopping experience and ultimately grow your business. 

1. “The Consumer Credit Card Market.” Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, September 2021, https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_consumer-credit-card-market-report_2021.pdf