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Six Tips for Improving Your E-Commerce Experience

May 05, 2022


It’s no secret that a frictionless e-commerce experience means a better customer experience. And because customers are the lifeline of your business, providing a solid e-commerce experience on your site should be at the top of your list of to-dos. So, how can you improve the customer experience for your e-commerce store? We’ve got six fantastic tips for you. Read on.

1. Create a User-Friendly Website

If your business sells products online, the ease of navigation through your website is obviously key to closing more sales. A clunky user experience can keep customers from making a purchase. A user-friendly website includes things like fast site speed, helpful navigation, intuitive product categorization and filter options, and clear calls to action. In other words, focusing on the customers’ experience should be at the heart of your e-commerce site.

2. Optimize for Mobile Visits

Gone are the days when e-commerce necessarily meant shopping via a desktop computer. On the contrary, according to SaleCycle, as of 2019, 65% of visits and 53% of sales are now made on mobile devices. (1) As the popularity of smartphones continues to climb, so too do mobile transactions. 

It’s not enough that your e-commerce site be desktop-friendly ; in today’s digital world, optimizing your site for mobile is key. Furthermore, you should ensure that the mobile version of your site is just as easy to navigate as the desktop version. Avoid visual chaos by keeping content light and minimal, make sure there’s ample whitespace and check that all fonts are easy to read.

3. Offer a Variety of Payment Options

It may seem like everyone has a credit card to pay for things these days — and many people certainly do! But the keyword there is many — not all. In fact, there are more than 66 million unbanked and underbanked customers who are either not in good credit standing or have no credit history at all. (2) Retailers that only accept debit/credit and financing are missing out on accessing a significant customer base. You don’t have to lose these customers! With Acima Leaaing’s lease-to-own solutions*, your customers can lease items they need — and without using credit. As an Acima Leasing retailer, this point-of-sale solution means more customers, more sales and more growth for your business. Plus, this service is completely free to you — no fees tied to customer transactions. This is a great way to instantly improve your margins. Learn more behind how working with Acima Leasing can benefit your business.

4. Build a Community on Social

As we’ve mentioned,mobile devices are a mark of the digital age we’re all in. As a business owner, if you’re not paying attention to social media, you’re missing out on an immense opportunity for you to easily connect with your customers. Social media allows you to create and share compelling content, bring your customers in on your mission, instill a sense of community, promote new products and offers . . . the list of possibilities for using social media for the good of your business is nearly endless. Plus, these omnichannel digital touchpoints keep customers — current and prospective — engaged with who you are and what you have to offer. Read more on the power of social media here. 

5. Customer Support

Customer support doesn’t guarantee a frictionless customer experience, but it’s certainly a vital part of one. Customers will have questions — that’s a given — and they’ll want answers. That means they’ll need someone to turn to when they get confused or things aren’t working properly. As part of your e-commerce strategy, be sure to think through ways of highlighting your customer support. Aside from providing your store’s phone number, hours of operation and email address — as well as including a “contact us” form fill — think through in-the-moment customer support options. Installing a chat box, where customers can instantly send a question to someone on your e-commerce team, is a great way to connect with customers on your site. Other good ideas include: providing product tutorial videos, providing an FAQ section that mitigates confusion by answering the top-asked questions.

6. A Personalized Customer Experience

It's important to personalize your customers’ shopping experiences throughout their shopping journeys, based on different variables. Recommendation engines that provide personalized product suggestions based on a user’s location and shopping and browsing history, can be an effective way to increase sales and engagement. Include phrases like, “You might also like . . . ” or “Because you searched for this, you might also be interested in these . . . ”. Or, try adding a “complete the look” content section within your site. Experiences like these not only make your customer feel special, they also help streamline the shopping experience.

In summary, customers today are no longer solely interested in excellent product offerings. On the contrary, today’s savvy customers are more tuned into — and expect — a customer experience that’s enjoyable. That includes a frictionless site visit that keeps their attention and makes shopping easy and even delightful. Follow these tips to stay ahead of the game, increase product sales, build positive brand sentiment and take your e-commerce site to the next level.

(1) “2019 Ecommerce Year in Review [Infographic].” SaleCycle.com, Aug. 2, 2021 (2) “Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2018.” FederalReserve.gov, May 2019