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The Secret on How to Keep Customers Happy

Aug 18, 2021


It’s no secret that happy customers are essential to the success of any business. But what may be a secret to some businesses is how exactly to keep their customers happy. After all, customer happiness doesn’t just happen – it takes effort, planning, and execution. Here are some tips on how you can keep your customers happy and coming back for more:

13 Easy Ways to Keep Your Customers Happy

1. Keep your customers informed

Keeping your customers informed is a great way to keep them happy. By providing them with updates on their order, shipping information, or any other relevant information, you can help them feel confident and in control. This also helps prevent any surprises or problems along the way. Happy customers are informed customers!

2. Respond to complaints quickly and politely

Nobody likes dealing with complaints, but they’re a reality of doing business. The most important thing is to respond quickly and politely. This shows that you care about your customers and their concerns. It also gives you an opportunity to resolve the issue and turn an unhappy customer into a satisfied one.

If an unhappy customer complains about your business in a public setting, like Instagram or Google reviews, don't just simply delete the post, but instead take the time to respond to it.

3. Solve problems creatively

When a customer has a problem, it’s your opportunity to shine. By solving the problem quickly and efficiently, you can not only keep the customer happy but also turn them into a raving fan. Show them that you care about their satisfaction and that you’re willing to go the extra mile. This type of service is sure to be remembered and appreciated.

4. Go the extra mile for your customers

In today’s day and age, good customer service just isn’t enough. You need to go above and beyond to really stand out. This could be something as simple as following up after a purchase to make sure they’re happy or going out of your way to get them a product they’ve been wanting.

Whatever it is, that personal touch can take people from being a casual supporter to a lifelong fan. These lifelong fans can then be external advocates of your company and can bring in more new customers through word of mouth.

5. Reward your customers for their loyalty

One of the best ways to keep your existing customers happy is to show them that you appreciate their loyalty. This could be in the form of a loyalty program, exclusive discounts, or early access to new products or services. Whatever you do, make sure it’s something that will really resonate with your customers and make them feel valued.

6. Stay up to date with industry trends

Keeping up with industry trends is a great way to show your customers that you’re on the cutting edge and that you care about staying ahead of the curve. It can also help provide efficiencies from the use of technology that can make your and the customer's lives easier.

7. Be transparent and honest with your customers

In today’s world, customers are looking for brands they can trust. They want to know that you’re being honest with them and that you have their best interests at heart. If there are any issues with your product or service, be open and honest about it. Customers will respect you for your transparency and appreciate that you’re taking steps to fix the problem.

8. Keep your promises

If you tell your customers you’re going to do something, make sure you follow through. This could be anything from following up after a purchase to resolving an issue in a timely manner. Customers appreciate when businesses keep their promises, so make sure you deliver on what you say.

9. Ask for feedback and take it to heart

Feedback is a great way to get insight into what your customers are thinking and how they feel about your business. It can also help you identify any areas that need improvement. Make sure you take the time to ask for feedback and then take it to heart. Use it as an opportunity to make changes that will improve the customer experience.

10. Say thank you

A simple thank you can go a long way in making your customers feel appreciated. Whether it’s a handwritten note or a discount on their next purchase, take the time to show your customers that you’re grateful for their business. This can build brand loyalty and help your business exceed the customer's expectations.

11. Train your employees to be customer-centric

Your employees are the face of your business and play a big role in the customer experience. That’s why it’s so important to train them to be customer-centric. Teach them the importance of providing great customer service and how to go above and beyond to exceed customer expectations. By having a team of employees who are focused on the customer, you’ll be sure to deliver a great experience each and every time.

12. Continuously improve your customer experience

The customer experience is always evolving, so it’s important to continuously strive to improve it. This could be anything from adding new features to your product or service to making changes to your process. Whatever you do, make sure you’re always looking for ways to improve the customer experience. By doing so, you’ll keep your customers happy and loyal for the long run.

13. Keep Your Employees Happy

Your employees are the ones who interact with your customers on a daily basis, so it’s important to keep them happy. When your employees are happy, they’re more likely to provide great customer service. This, in turn, will lead to happier customers. So be sure to invest in your employees and create a positive work environment.

A Happy Customer Is a Loyal Customer: A Real Life Example

Off Road Rim Financing knows the importance of offering lease-to-own (LTO) options to their customers. They believe that a customer’s credit situation should not be an obstacle in acquiring tires, rims, or wheels. Off Road Rim Financing has served the Hobart, Indiana area for 7 years and has offered Acima Leasing since 2017. 

By adding the lease-to-own alternative, Acima Leasing improved the approval population by 25%, increasing opportunities for more sales volume and more happy customers. Within the four years of Off Road Rim Finance using Acima Leasing, their revenues have increased by almost 8 times. Wondering how did they did it? 

Off Road Rim Financing services and quotes about 1,500 customers per day. “A large percentage of our leads come from our social media ads we run on Facebook,” said Frank Wilson, Owner and CEO. “We promote our payment options in our ads making our customers aware of our offerings before they even start looking.”

They know many consumers don’t have the discretionary income necessary for everything they want or need. By immediately letting their customers know they offer alternatives to consumer credit transactions, customers feel safe and comfortable getting what they need for their vehicle. 

Since launching the LTO program, they made sure to understand exactly what the customer was going to get with a lease from Acima. “Our rep was in our store multiple times a week for the first few months we offered Acima. We made it a priority to understand the details of the agreement and payment options our customers would have when transacting with Acima,” said Frank. 

Previously, cash and credit constrained consumers have often had to do without or utilize financing options with high interest rates and punitive terms. Acima Leasing creates greater financial inclusion for these consumers without the risks of financing. It’s important for merchants to understand the details, fine print, and verbiage of the agreement and be transparent with customers. 

In a study from Label Insight, 56% of survey participants said they would be loyal to a company if they provided transparency. Transparency isn’t just a fancy business buzzword, it’s a business imperative. Transparency builds trust and customers buy from brands that have earned their trust. Off Road Rim Finance differentiates themselves by being transparent about their LTO program.

TIP: The Acima field team is a great source of training but remember to utilize the Merchant Success team to ensure employees are up to date and knowledgeable about the process and agreement. 

In addition to transparency, Frank emphasizes the importance of employee appreciation and empowerment. At a past employer, Frank had a terrible experience working in a high stress environment with little reward or recognition. When starting Off Road Rim Finance, he wanted to create a positive work environment where his employees could have fun at work.

His employees have ping pong tables and basketball hoops onsite and his management team is committed to building a positive team culture. “I went through a negative work environment. When you work somewhere that’s not enjoyable, you take it home and take it out on your family. It’s a chain reaction. It’s a never ending cycle,” said Frank. “If my employees aren’t happy, I’m not happy!” 

In a study conducted by Harris Interactive, the survey found employees who feel valued are more likely to report higher levels of engagement, satisfaction, and motivation compared to those who do not feel valued by their organization. Appreciation and empowerment increase productivity and can spread positivity throughout an organization. 

Off Road Rim Financing keeps rolling through their commitment to a simple recipe – building customer trust through transparency and employee engagement through genuine appreciation.