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Integrating Online & In-Store Mattress Sales with Acima Leasing

Apr 30, 2024

A customer checking out the material of a mattress in a store. He appears happy with the mattress he found and is looking to shop using his lease approval amount.

Consumers encounter more — and more convenient — options these days than ever before when it comes to shopping for the perfect mattress. Back in the day, they had to rely heavily on in-store experiences to test mattresses physically before making a purchase. Now, thanks to the arrival of eCommerce platforms and the ease of accessing information, mattress shopping has evolved significantly — to the consumer’s benefit.  

This change also summoned the rise of online mattress retailers offering convenience and extensive product selections. Additionally, consumers are now more likely to conduct thorough research online before even stepping foot in a physical store. This growing shift in mattress shopping decisions demands a blended retail strategy that integrates online and in-store sales channels.  

More convenient payment options are also becoming a “make or break” part of decision-making for customers when it comes to where they will shop for their mattresses. Here’s how Acima Leasing’s lease-to-own solution can empower you to create a seamless shopping experience online and in-store that caters to any sleeper’s needs. 

Understanding Your Sleepers’ Needs 

As consumers navigate the wide variety of options, affordability remains a consideration when making a substantial purchase like a mattress. Financing options, while prevalent, often lack the flexibility required to accommodate the diverse life situations of modern shoppers. Limited payment options can serve as barriers, potentially leading to lost business opportunities for retailers. 

In response to these challenges, offering a lease-to-own solution emerges as a great choice for retailers. By providing customers with the opportunity to get the mattress they need without using credit*, retailers can ensure that they capture sales opportunities that may have otherwise slipped through the cracks. This flexible approach helps consumers to choose an option that aligns with their budget and lifestyle, ultimately increasing the likelihood of conversion and fostering customer satisfaction. 

Solutions for Seamless Shopping and Satisfied Customers 

Omnichannel Integration Strategy: A Unified Customer Journey 

The seamless integration of online and in-store sales channels is important in catering to the preferences of today’s consumers. Imagine a scenario where a customer begins their mattress shopping journey online, browsing through a wide selection of products and comparing features and prices. With a truly omnichannel experience, they can seamlessly transition to a physical store to test their top choices if they wish before making a final decision.   

The Acima Leasing app allows online or in-store mattress shoppers using their open lease amount to easily manage their accounts. Or, they can seamlessly scan our QR codes to quickly and easily complete a lease-to-own application during the shopping experience. Our suite of shopping tools helps retailers like you facilitate a seamless shopping journey, allowing customers to explore options online and complete lease-to-own agreements effortlessly in-store. 

Enhance Your Customers’ Experiences 

Exceptional customer experience plays a pivotal role in establishing trust and loyalty with consumers. By equipping staff with the knowledge and tools to provide personalized assistance, mattress retailers can create memorable shopping experiences. Acima Leasing offers comprehensive training programs to educate staff on the benefits of flexible options and guide them in assisting customers with their individual needs. This investment in staff training ensures that customers receive expert guidance and support throughout their shopping journey. 

Expand Your Reach: The Benefit of Shopping Options 

Today, business growth is linked to strategies that consider the needs of all consumers, regardless of their financial circumstances. Acima Leasing’s lease-to-own solutions offer a pathway for mattress retailers to reach new segments of potential customers. By providing alternatives to financing, retailers can extend their market reach to individuals with less-than-perfect credit. This expansion of your customer base translates into increased sales and a thriving business for mattress retailers. 

Real-World Success Story: BedMart 

One prime example of the transformative impact of Acima Leasing’s lease-to-own solution is BedMart, a family-owned mattress retailer with over 30 years of experience. Faced with the challenge of providing their customers with flexible and customer-friendly options, BedMart implemented Acima Leasing’s solution with remarkable results: 

  • Increased Customer Conversion: By embracing Acima Leasing’s No Credit Option*, BedMart witnessed a significant rise in completed transactions, as customers were empowered to find a payment option that suited their needs. 

  • Wider Customer Base: Acima Leasing’s program enabled BedMart to reach new demographics, including individuals with less-than-perfect credit history — thereby expanding their market reach and fostering long-term customer relationships. 

  • Enhanced Customer Service: With the support of Acima Leasing’s representatives, BedMart streamlined staff training processes on lease-to-own, allowing them to focus on delivering exceptional customer service and creating a welcoming environment for mattress shoppers. 

Help Your Customers Rest Easy  

The integration strategies of online and in-person sales channels with Acima Leasing’s flexible lease renewal payment option presents an opportunity for mattress retailers to redefine the experience for their customers looking for better shopping and payment options. By addressing the limitations of financing and embracing innovative solutions, retailers can position themselves as industry leaders in providing accessible and customer-centric services such as Acima Leasing. In turn, mattress retailers can unlock new avenues for growth and success through omnichannel integration, enhanced customer experiences and the expansion of market reach by letting their customers know that lease-to-own options are available. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your mattress business — work with Acima Leasing today and embark on a journey toward easy shopping experiences and satisfied, well-rested customers!